Monday, November 10, 2008


Right now the idea of me making art as a profession twenty years from now is far-fetched to say the least. I don't think my personality lends itself to doing anything for such an extended period of time and my frustration with the mechanisms and traditions of the museum/gallery system can reach such overwhelming proportions that I often find myself discouraged. That being said, I can't for see a time when the need to express myself will diminish. For me, making something has a lot to do with distilling my personal experience into broader and less specific terms in hopes to communicate with other humans about the emotional and corporeal aspects of our daily co-existence and interaction. In other, less pretentious words, I'm trying to make something that people can relate to and, at the same time rid myself of some emotional backlog. Which usually leads me to the same place, how do I get people to see this stuff without falling victim to that great leech known only as the art world? So I guess that's my goal. Over the next 5, 10, 20 years I want to drastically rearrange the way people, not exclusively artists, engage the community and each other. Lofty enough for you?

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